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Wellness Shop

Business Insurance

We provide commercial insurance solutions that protect and give you peace of mind. We take the time to obtain a thorough understanding of your operation and assess your risks and exposures. We work with the leading Insurance Markets to custom tailor your coverage and give you the attention and professional advice you need to protect your business for the long term.

Contact us today for a free no obligation quote, or complete the online form.

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Commercial Property

If you own a commercial property you require this type of policy which provides coverage for tangible assets, including: buildings and their contents, equipment and inventory, property in transit and business interruption coverage.

Construction Engineer

Course of Construction


Contractors Insurance

Whether you are building your dream home or are a contractor constructing a multi-unit building; we will source the markets in order to obtain a competitive quote. For larger projects we highly recommend a “wrap up liability policy”.

Plumbers, electricians and other independent tradesmen require liability coverage for products and completed operations. You may also require proof of insurance prior to starting a new project. Our agents can provide you with a comprehensive contractor’s package or a liability only policy.

Apartment Building

Building Owners

Whether you own a residential apartment building or a commercial occupancy building; we can shop the markets to provide you with the proper coverage. A fire loss will prevent you from collecting rental income if your tenant is unable to have use of their unit. A slip and fall claim can trigger a lawsuit that requires expensive defense costs.

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